Feb 25 2025 90 mins 6
Richie and I discuss phonorealism (pioneered by Peter Ablinger), 41-tone equal temperament, and his collection of instruments and live performances, such as “Six Monologues.”
Sam Reflecting on the First Time He Heard Her Sing (2017) - phonorealism
ludus vocalis (Burp) - Felipe Tovar-Hevao
Dream Hangover - !mindparade
Six Monologues (mvt. 3 - Tragedy Begins at Home) - Long Drive Theatre (41-TET)
Six Monologues (mvt. 6 - This space looks like any other) - Long Drive Theatre (41-TET)
isoharmonic etude (41-TET) without difference tone - Richie Greene
isoharmonic etude (41-TET) with difference tone - Richie Greene
If Ye Love Me - Thomas Tallis (tag) in 41-TET - rising in pitch by 1\41 of an octave each time.
Richie’s xenachord projects and Long Drive Theatre are online - check them out!
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