#109: The Number of the Stars [are there actually twelve planets?]

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Jan 12 2025 38 mins   21 1 0

New Age types keep saying that there are twelve planets. Where does that number come from, and what are these three extra planets supposed to be? (Plus: a detour to the world of ancient astronauts.)


Key sources for this episode include Gottfried de Purucker's Fundamentals of the Esoteric Philosophy and The Fountain-Source of Occultism; Govert Schilling's The Hunt for Planet X: New Worlds and the Fate of Pluto; Maureen Temple Richmond's "The Threefold Rulership System in Esoteric Astrology"; Michael Heiser's website sitchiniswrong.com; and the collected works of Zecharia Sitchin.

This week we're promoting our friends the Paranoid Strain, where the Fearful Jesuit and Dana Unicorn explain why so many people believe ridiculous conspiracy theories. https://www.theparanoidstrain.com/

I'll be presenting at the Intelligent Speech conference on February 8, 2025! Register now at https://intelligentspeechonline.com/ and get 10% off with the promo code JACKALOPE!

The Ancient and Esoteric Order of the Jackalope is a secret society devoted to sharing strange stories and amazing facts. No topic is off limits -- if it's interesting or entertaining, we'll do an episode about it!