Nov 28 2023 54 mins
In this episode, Diana talks to Mark Greene, an expert on healthy masculinity and author of The Little #MeToo Book for Men, and founder of a community called “Remaking Manhood” on Instagram.
They discuss what man box culture means, how it affects our boys, and what we can do as parents to ensure that our boys are not adhering to the precepts of man box culture that can hurt their ability to be full human beings with a wide range of emotions. Mark also highlights powerful statistics from Equimundo that show how man box culture affects men in the USA, Mexico and the UK.
Mark shares fascinating insight on how man box culture hurts boys and men, and how man box culture affects the politics of today (think MAGA and men feeling like they are losing) He also discusses why it's important to be in relationship with our boys and gives examples of how building those solid relationships can support our boys as they get older.
Mark is the co-author with Dr. Saliha Bava of The Relational Book for Parenting, and in our conversation he provides a few examples of games to play with our kids to help have conversatoins and talk about our feelings, and help them express their emotions in a safe and engaging way.
Make sure to follow Mark on Instagram @remakingmanhood '
If you liked this conversation, be sure to check out our conversation about social emotional learning with Tim Shriver.
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