Jun 22 2018 22 mins 1
Episode Overview -
In this episode, I go into a significant aspect of what creates Joy in both your life and the life of your children - and that is Purpose. You can choose to approach this episode like small training class. I have a very helpful FREE resource for you - The Purpose Statement Builder - which you can request below. This template will help to guide you through defining a meaningful purpose statement for yourself, or improving upon a purpose statement if you have one already.
The objectives of the episode are for you to:
- Understand the role of a Purpose in our life, and what you need to define to clarify your purpose into a clear, inspirational and actionable statement
Key Takeaways in the Episode -
- If you call me Coach Schulz, I have been called it plenty of times before - I am just used to hearing it from about a 10 year old on a playing field.
- I have a lot of gratitude for my former leader at Toyota - Cathy Decker. Cathy believed in me and made personal development investments in me like no other person in my life, and she triggered my journey to discover and live a life of purpose.
- I introduce the concept of 'purpose', which creates direction in our lives by providing answers to these three specific questions:
1) Who or What is important in your life that you want to have an impact on
2) What is the Impact we want to make for those people or causes
3) How will you make this impact that is based on your natural personality and strengths?
- A lighthouse becomes a metaphor for 'Purpose' in this story. Also, I explain howe purpose can get our life back on track when our ego is sending our life in another direction.
- I walk through the crafting of my own purpose statement, using the Purpose Statement Builder and my own examples along the way, to support and guide your own use of the tool to create your purpose statement.
- I put forth two common objections regarding purpose statements: 1) Purpose statements never get used after a while, and 2) Purpose statements become out of date after a while. I discuss some truth of these objections, but offer how you and your children can get past these challenges through systems and habits.
- In summary, by crafting a purpose that answers the questions of who or what you want to impact, the impact you want to make, and how you will make that impact, you create a practical resource that provides direction for a meaningful and Joyful life. Just as important, your children in the high school and college stage of life can get the same benefits from having a purpose, which will enable them to lead themselves through their purpose more effectively as they grow through adulthood.
- I truly believe that our Purpose is the cornerstone of our Joy, Growth and Success in life, and hope that you experience that as well!