Mar 27 2024 21 mins 8
Everyone witnessed the tragic event of Damar Hamlin's cardiac arrest during an NFL Football game. While he had a great outcome, there remains a paucity of algorithms in managing cardiac arrest emergencies in equipment-laden athletes. Expert consensus begins with research in the field of cardiac arrest for equipment laden athletes. In this deep dive we delve into the quality in chest compressions on patients with football pads.
In this podcast, we interview the lead author
Jennifer Longo
Assistant Professor
Rowan University
on the manuscript:
Click here to download it today!
As always THANK YOU for listening.
Hawnwan Philip Moy MD (@pecpodcast)
Scott Goldberg MD, MPH (@EMS_Boston)
Jeremiah Escajeda MD, MPH (@jerescajeda)
Joelle Donofrio-Odmann DO (@PEMems)
Maia Dorsett MD PhD (@maiadorsett)
Lekshmi Kumar MD, MPH(@Gradymed1)
Greg Muller DO (@DrMuller_DO)
Ariana Weber MD (@aweberMD4)
Rebecca Cash PhD (@CashRebeccaE)
Michael Kim MD (@michaelkim_md)
Rachel Stemerman PhD (@steminformatics)
Nikolai Arendovich MD
Elijah Robinson MD