Jun 04 2020 30 mins 1
Hi Prana Boosters!
My heart is breaking alongside all of my fellow humans who have witnessed these senseless acts of violence and disregard for human life. I feel that it’s hard to find words to share how we are all feeling after seeing #georgefloyd and all the other souls lose their lives in such a tragic, inhumane way. I kept thinking of his Momma…all the Mommas...they would have to see this and endure this unimaginable pain. I don’t understand how people could witness this and not step in. What could have happened to this man in his lifetime that would allow him to do this to another human being. How could the people who watched stand by and allow him to treat another human being with such lack of love and ignore his cries for help. I will keep educating myself and my family everyday to see what more we can do to help end racism which creates a tragic lack of love, respect and equality.
I have always felt that we need to use our voice for love and to speak up for our fellow human beings and I also believe peace starts in the home. 🏡 It starts in our minds, in our hearts, in our relationships. These acts of violence have been going on for so long, it’s just now we are all witnessing them up close. It’s never been ok. And now the repercussions are adding even more violence to our world. We are not born racist. We must raise our families to understand that we are all connected, we are all worthy, we are all ONE human race. Of course I am a white woman, and I truly don’t know what it’s like to experience racial prejudice but I will always continue to learn and do my best to help understand another’s struggles and educate and empower myself to make a difference. I do know that I am proud that I live from my heart and we are proud to raise our girls to live from their hearts. Our kids watch us and need us to lead with LOVE. We are raising them in a Nonviolent home…
What’s happening in YOUR world?? What kind of world do you want to live in? How can you infuse more love, compassion, tolerance and mindfulness into YOUR/OUR WORLD? 🌎
I am leading a revolution and creating a tribe of Prana Boosters™: A #pranabooster is someone who understands WE ARE ALL ONE. WE ARE ALL CONNECTED TO EACH OTHER. A Prana Booster™ sees the world through loving eyes and offers compassion and empathy to others rather than judgment. Join us.
In this episode you will hear:
Why I discuss macro vs micro
What’s happening in “your” world
What to do to make an immediate change today that will have a ripple effect into the world
What is a Mudra? Gabrielle Bernstein’s Mudra: “Peace Begins With Me”