Mar 03 2021 87 mins
Have you ever wondered what The Prana Boost Lifestyle™ really looks like? Join me & my amazing husband, soulmate, business partner, spiritual partner, best friend for an intimate discussion on The Prana Boost Show™ to learn about our mindful lifestyle & our new parenting paradigm that we are pioneering together. Here is your chance to hear from both of us to learn more about it from each of our perspectives. For a bit more about us you can read this:
Today's topic was: Q&A With T&A-Episode #72 -16 Things We Have Learned Since Becoming Parents-The Prana Boost Show™ Podcast
IIn this episode you will hear:
- Were Tina & Alan always conscious parents? What did Tina used to watch daily?
- Were we always vegan?
- What does it mean to surrender?
- Why is acceptance of your child so important?
- How do you learn to trust your intuition and teach your children about listening to their own intuition too?
- Do I always have to solve everything for my child or teen?
- What is Active Listening?
- How can we hold space for our loved ones when listening?
- Why is it so important to learn about emotions?
- Why is your family's emotional health just as important as their physical health?
- Learn how important it is to always be open to learning as a parent/human
- Learn how connection is the foundation needed for every challenge we will face in life
- At approximately what age does the ego appear in our child?
- Learn why we believe bullying starts in the home and the dangers of a dominant relationship?
- Why must we learn about Partnership Parenting?
- Why is it important to learn to ask for help?
- Why did we put our daughter's jammies on inside out?
- What does it mean to Create A New Reality?
- What does it mean to have a Spiritual Practice?
- How can we as parents learn to recognize, experience and navigate grief?
- What is #17 (the BONUS tip) on the list of 16 things learned since we became parents?
Please Subscribe to our Prana Boost YouTube channel here: and/or Subscribe to iTunes to hear more about this topic and others as we will be bringing you more even more videos & cannot possibly share all of our thoughts, knowledge and experience in one show.
You can submit questions for the show here:
Stay Tuned as well for LIVE broadcasts where we will have audience participation & Q & A's as well. Namaste