Apr 19 2024 36 mins
We are in the middle of a discussion based on a trans-disciplinary approach to the interpretation of the Biblical Narrative. The series is comparing the Quantum Physics findings about our universe with regard to the Holomovement with the Biblical Narrative.
We are proposing that the cosmology of our universe aligns beautifully with Biblical cosmology. Specifically, we’re comparing the Holomovement of our universe with Christology. Neither result in a religion but rather point to a trans-religious source of consciousness and Spirit.
Our universe and the Biblical Narrative are both God stories. The Holomovent is to the cosmology of the universe what Christology is to the Narrative.
We are proposing that interpreting Christology as a form/religion does not.
This part of the series focuses on law and grace. Just as the latest discoveries in Quantum Physics have resulted in new interpretations of our universe so also our integral approach to theology results in a new, wholistic and unified interpretation of the Biblical Narrative.