Jun 28 2016 16 mins 1
164 – Brave New World RPG
Ricky carries on his journey down the RPG rabbit hole, this time going to a tumblr RPG in Brave New World. Ricky talks with Cogs and Alex the admins of the site – discussion includes finding out about Alex’s Heroes Prime favourites and her thoughts on Heroes Reborn, the beginnings of Brave New World and the volumes up to present day, explaining how Tumblr RPGing works, how they come up with the storyarcs, Canon Characters, Heroes Reborn integration, the current volume, and Canon Biog Divergence.
You can find Brave New World at http://heroesrp.com and on twitter @bnwrpgpromo. You can follow Cogs on twitter @BennetTwinnets and Alex on twitter @intuitivc – you can also read the plot summeries at http://itsabravenewworldrpg.tumblr.com/plot
Follow Primatech Files on their social media – just search “Primatech Files” on facebook, tumblr, youtube, twitter or clammr. You can also email [email protected] or find them on their individual twitters @rickyjdiaz or @lilithhellfire
NB There may be spoilers in this review