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Sep 25 2024 3 mins   9

Imagine going into 2025…

🌟 Having Confidence to take on any challenge because you have laid the groundwork for a successful year in your business

🌟 Being Excited because you have a clear plan on how to achieve your goals and know exactly what steps to take in what order

🌟 With Complete Clarity knowing the precise resources (time, money, people, technology, skills, support) you will need to accomplish your goals

🌟 Feeling Empowered to make bold, strategic decisions that will move your business forward and help you reclaim time for what matters most

🌟 Totally Assured that you’ll take time off for vacations and holidays, work on your mental health, spend quality time with your family, and get enough sleep because you’ve already factored them into your plan

🌟 In The Driver’s Seat of your business instead of getting run over by it because you’ve taken back control of your time, energy, and profits

You absolutely can IF you equip yourself with a clear, actionable plan for your business!

Planning your year is one of the most important activities you can do as a business owner because it helps you set the overall direction of your business and determine the actions you must take to achieve your goals.

Now I know the idea of planning your year can feel overwhelming AND it can be hard to “find the time” to do it, despite how badly you want to gain clarity, set goals, strategize, create a business plan, and determine the exact actionables to take your business to the next level.

I want to help you take the guess-work out of how to plan your year and rid you of the overwhelm that often accompanies strategic business planning.

That’s why I decided to host a VIP Business Planning Event in Las Vegas and you’re invited!

During this intimate, two-day event November 2nd and 3rd I will personally help you plan your entire year over a weekend.

You’ll get:

✔️ 2 Days of Strategic Business Planning with Me

✔️ A Business Blueprint Strategic Planning Workbook

✔️ All Meals Including a Special Dinner & Show on the World Famous Las Vegas Strip

And you’ll walk away with a clear, actionable plan for your business - a literal blueprint for 2025 AND a nice write-off come tax season.

As I’ve designed this to be an intimate VIP experience, seats are quite limited - so if you are interested in finding out more about my VIP Business Planning Event coming up in Las Vegas, head on over to AmberDeLaGarza.com/BusinessPlanning