Dec 14 2023 29 mins 6
In episode 134 of the NZ Property Podcast, Mark Honeybone talks with High Energy Auctioneer, Aaron Davis, about the Property Market, all things in regards to Auctions, and much more.
He also talks about the sort of Real Estate Salespeople you should employ and have on your team when selling your home. It is full of tips for the home owner, buyer, even real estate agents.
Aaron is as competitive as you get and listening to him is always fun and more important if you want to, you gain a heap out of what he says. He is the trainer of the best salespeople in the Harcourts team in Auckland.I know you will enjoy this show.
Happy listening!
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Disclaimer: Property Ventures Real Estate Limited t/a Harcourts Property Ventures is a Licensed Agent under the REAA 2008. The New Zealand Property Podcast does not purport to be comprehensive nor to provide specific advice. Any opinions expressed in this podcast may not match the opinion of Property Ventures Real Estate. No person should act in reliance on any statement made within this podcast without first obtaining professional advice.