Dec 05 2024 70 mins
Hello and happy Thursday! The second half of this episode's title: "Is not about you being comfortable". It is truly the Hero's Journey. One leaves what is familiar and faces the unknown, uncertain and unfamiliar. While on this path one will find consistent discomfort. That is why one grows along this path. It is a path of personal growth. Tom had quite a few sticky notes but not a consistent theme. Then Tom got a new client and the personal trainer version that he is now came out. Tom had the experience, the clarity and the awareness to truly prepare this new client for what was ahead. One of Tom's favorite words is Pyung Ahn which means Peaceful Confidence. It is a truly wonderful thing to know that feeling along your path. This doesn't take away the bad, the tests, the life challenges but it changes your relationship with those things that are not in your control. Again, that is a better feeling - a better experience - even though one is going through a challenging time. Tom wanted to mention how much he truly appreciates his listeners. Enjoy, and as always, thanks for listening!
Take a deep breath slowly in through your nose. Hold it. Release that breath slowly out of your mouth. What's one thing you are grateful for? The Pro You Podcast is grateful you are here - taking the first step on your path to deeming yourself worthy. Worthy of being the best version of yourself you can possibly be.
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