Oct 02 2024 58 mins 5
Kate is on maternity leave, and hopefully getting at least a few minutes of sleep! We'll be back at the end of October for our FYREBIRDS spoiler episode, then in November for THE HEART OF THE WORLD's spoiler episode, so once you've read the books make sure to send us ALL your questions at [email protected] or a voicemail at speakpipe.com/pubdates. It's going to be extremely juicy. For now, enjoy this rebroadcast of one of our most popular episodes, which we think you'll enjoy even more now that you've read both books.
Make sure you're subscribed to the Pub Dates newsletter that publishes each time a new episode drops: it's always full of fun extras. Sign up for our individual newsletters at Amie and Kate's websites.
You can now buy both The Isles of the Gods and Nightbirds - AND Fyrebirds and The Heart of the World - wherever good books are sold. Series completists, rejoice!