Mar 02 2025 93 mins 38
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00:00 - What is the significance of being honest in business over keeping Shabbos or other
07:00 - How could people have learnt Torah or kept mitzvos during the period of the Neviim
when Idol-Worship was so wide-spread?
13:20 - What is the difference between the Animal Soul and the Evil Inclination?
22:35 - How do we classify what Erva is?
33:20 - Why do we say ‘Mazal Tov’ if the Mazalot have no power over Am Yisrael?
42:50 - Why can’t the Amoraim argue on the Tanaim?
51:05 - If there is a psak based on a scientific reality and I believe I understand the science
better can I disagree with the psak?
01:08:32 - Are there limits on which activities create a Chazaka?
01:12:25 - How does the concept of zealotry apply in today’s age?
01:20:18 - If someone mistakenly believes he is Jewish does he receive reward?
01:22:15 - Is incentivised learning on the same level as un-incentivised learning?
01:24:40 - What can someone say to someone who is angry at God on account of the
wickedness of Hamas?
01:29:33 - Is it better to listen to clean English music that you understand or unclean
Hebrew music that you don’t understand?
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Note: Please do not watch or listen to this content on Shabbos or Jewish Holidays.
🎙️🎥 Produced by: Cedar Media Studios
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