#445 LaValle's GANJA & HESS (1973)

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Mar 23 2025 75 mins  

EPISODE #445-- Once more into the breech for Black History Month. Today Cruz and James attempt to understand the impressionistic, indie cult horror classic, GANJA & HESS from 1973.

We also mourn the passing of Gene Hackman, talking about THE FRENCH CONNECTION (1971), as well as Kon Ichikawa's THE BURMESE HARP (Cruz has been on an Ichikawa kick-- we can't blame him).

This is also our last film fro Black History Month, so we hope we did okay by the films, if nothing else.

Join the cause at Patreon.com/Quality. Follow the us on on Bluesky at kislingconnection and cruzflores, on Instagram @kislingwhatsit, and on Tiktok @kislingkino. You can watch Cruz and show favorite Alexis Simpson on You Tube in "They Live Together." Thanks to our artists Julius Tanag (http://www.juliustanag.com) and Sef Joosten (http://spexdoodles.tumblr.com). The theme music is "Eine Kleine Sheissemusik" by Drew Alexander. Also, I've got a newsletter, so maybe go check that one out, too.

Listen to DRACULA: A RADIO PLAY on Apple Podcasts, at dracularadio.podbean.com, and at the Long Beach Playhouse at https://lbplayhouse.org/show/dracula

And, as always, Support your local unions! UAW, SAG-AFTRA, and WGA strong and please leave us a review on iTunes or whatever podcatcher you listened to us on!