Dec 26 2024 60 mins 1
What determines the path of discovering our true Self? Sometimes it begins with realizing who we are not…
In this conversation, host Tracee Stanley and Caverly Morgan, spiritual teacher, non-profit founder, speaker, and author of The Heart of Who We Are: Realizing Freedom Together as well as A Kids Book About Mindfulness, dive into the increasingly vital call of these times to remember who we really are, not only for ourselves but also for the collective.
This rich discussion covers:
Caverly’s experience as a monastic practitioner
How our approach to practice can reinforce our karmic knots
Bringing practice into our lives vs. bringing our life into practice
Snapping out of our culture’s illusion of grasping for “one more thing” when wholeness is something you can only experience, not consume
Experiencing timeless reality
Recommends practices for these heartbreaking times
Wisdom found in Caverly’s book as well as Tracee’s book, The Luminous Self: Sacred Yogic Practices & Rituals to Remember Who You Are
- The power of healing in community
Much more!
Connect with Caverly and her books:
The Heart of Who We Are: Realizing Freedom Together
Tracee's books:
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About our guest
Caverly Morgan is a spiritual teacher, non-profit founder, speaker and writer who blends the original spirit of Zen with a modern nondual approach. She is the author of The Heart of Who We Are: Realizing Freedom Together as well as A Kids Book About Mindfulness. Caverly is the founder of Peace in Schools, a nonprofit that created the nation’s first for-credit mindfulness class in public high schools. Her practice began in 1995 and has included eight years of training in a silent Zen monastery. She has been teaching contemplative practice since 2001. Caverly leads meditation retreats, workshops and online classes internationally. Learn more at