Feb 19 2021 49 mins 2
This is a lengthy episode, but it's because the topic is so important. This was sparked by an email response I received from a vet. That email response essentially confirmed my fears that I have been worried about as I've witnessed things happen first hand as a vet tech. Veterinary appointments are incredibly hard for a lot fo dogs, and it is our job and duty to make it easier for them; it's our job and duty to not give up on these dogs that have a hard time. Those dogs are just as worthy and deserving of the best care possible, just as much as the "easy" dogs.
If you want to listen to Buster's Story to hear about his journey in more detail, you can do that by clicking here.
Otherwise, please feel free to reach out to me on Instagram, especially if this topic resonates with you in any way - if you struggle with this, or if you have ideas on how to make this better, or even if you're just a veterinary professional who wants to do better for these dogs. My DMs are always open to everyone!
Alternatively, you can also email me - [email protected].