Nov 23 2022 95 mins
I had a great conversation with Dr. Kathleen Losi, the founder of Growing Scholars, an organization that seeks to empower kids with the social, emotional & behavioral tools to make the most of their experience at school and in life. She calls herself a "developer of scholarly habits" as she provides learning opportunities for kids to create successful strategies for themselves to thrive vs. just survive. As a life-long learner and a big dreamer, Kathleen is now changing the lives of the children she coaches outside the traditional classroom.
We started talking about how her 24 years in education started and transitioned to her organization, Growing Scholars, and the inspiration and impact behind it. We really went everywhere from there. This turned into a full-blown LIFE conversation. Which, if you know Kathleen or me, will not surprise you at all. I'm so glad you're here for this.
If you would like to connect with Dr. Kathleen Losi, you can email her at [email protected] or [email protected] .
Enjoy the show!