Jan 12 2024 19 mins
Relieve Stress through Journaling
Key Features:
Insights on Stress and Depression
Journaling Techniques for Prevention and Relief
Self-Awareness Exercise and Gratitude Journaling
Focus on Helping Others as a Coping Mechanism
In This Episode:
📈 Understanding Your Own Stress and Depression Triggers
📈 Journaling Ideas to Prevent and Alleviate Stress
📈 Three Journaling Techniques for Stress and Depression Relief
Why Listen:
🏥 You will get insight into stress and depression management
🏥 You will learn practical journaling techniques for mental well-being
🏥 You can discover ways you can identify triggers and patterns
Connect with Me:
Journal with me on Zoom - bexb.org/letsmeet
Paint with me in Chandler - bexb.org/painting
Get a Weekly Gentle Journaling Check In - bexb.org/weekly
Links & Resources Mentioned:
Transcript and Shownotes for this episode: bexb.org/stressjournaling
Self Awareness Exercise Notebook https://amzn.to/3vpJce6
Gratitude Journal https://amzn.to/48pUEVZ
Believe There is Good in the World Dot Graph Notebook https://amzn.to/3vwwsCM