Feb 23 2024 17 mins
Balancing Emotional Well-Being Through Journaling
In this episode:
Hear about the power of journaling for balancing your emotional well-being
Consider the benefits of emotional well-being, including a better outlook and reduced depression
Discover the importance of balancing emotions for a more satisfying life.
Think about the nature vs. nurture debate regarding emotional well-being
As you listen:
Hear about my dilemma of creating a "perfect" life and its challenges
Choose a side in the debate on whether emotional well-being is a genetic predisposition or learned behavior
Get new journaling prompts for enhancing emotional well-being
Resources Mentioned:
Episode Transcript and 5 Signal Journal Prompts: https://bexb.org/balance/
What Do You Want and Why Notebook: https://amzn.to/42MOeOm (affiliate link)