Dec 20 2021 8 mins 7
This episode about the Apnea Squats Challenge, an AWESOME dry training for freediving to prepare the legs for constant weight freediving and dynamic apnea in the pool.
To do this training, you always start with a static apnea breath-hold sitting on a chair (minimum 60 seconds static) and then do as many squats as you can (must be a 90 degree angle minimum). REPEAT TWICE. 5 times per week.
The breathe-up is tidal breathing + 2 purge breaths, and then one full breath. No more than that.
This training is unique because it goes by a point system. You get 1 point per second of breath-hold and 5 points per squat. My goal was to get 350-450 points in the first week, which I achieved on the 3rd session. (Totally up to you what you want to set your goal to.)
The badges for the Apnea Squats Challenge are:
- Green badge = 200 points
- Blue badge = 300 points
- Red badge = 400 points
- Gold badge = 500 points
If you have a good static apnea breath-hold time, you may want to consider doing a longer static apnea (i.e. 2-3 minutes static apnea), before doing the squats. You may be able to get more points that way. It's just not allowed to do less than a 60 second breath-hold, but you can always do longer ;)
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