Jan 20 2025 30 mins 1
Do you dream of leading a retreat that transforms lives but find yourself stuck in a cycle of fear and doubt? For many aspiring retreat leaders, the vision of creating something powerful gets buried under the weight of “what-ifs” and endless to-do lists.
In this episode, Darla Ledoux reveals the three fears that keep so many from taking the leap. She’ll show you a simple yet powerful way to overcome those fears and finally make your retreat a reality.
Tune in to discover how to lead with confidence, create meaningful change, and bring your retreat vision to life.
Why hosting a retreat is more about being than doing
How to overcome fears of signing up, showing up, and delivering transformation
Learn to embody your retreat leader magic
The importance of having a clear leadership stance in your retreat marketing
Ways to sell transformation before attempting to host a successful retreat
How to design retreat experiences that create profound personal shifts for participants
Why confidence in your ability to hold space matters more than perfect logistics
✨ START HERE ➡ Discover what type of Magic you hold so you can work lighter: https://sourcedexperience.com/quiz-podcast/
🧩 4-Part Training Series: How to attract aligned abundance and achieve true self-expression in your business this year https://get.sourcedexperience.com/celebrate-your-intuition/
🧭 Harness your intuition to create a life you love. Learn more about our upcoming “Activate Your Magic” Retreat here: https://sourcedexperience.com/activate/
Hi, I'm Darla, a seasoned business coach with over 12 years of experience. I specialize in supporting heart-centered entrepreneurs to confidently market, sell, and deliver transformative services. As a 'recovering engineer,' I underwent a significant personal transformation to trust my innate magic and transition into the work I've always known was my calling. Trusting my intuition has led me to build a million-dollar coaching business that is vibrant, playful, and deeply meaningful. Let's explore how aligning with your soul's desires can be the most practical step towards elevating your business and living a radiant life.
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⦿ Contact Us: [email protected]
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