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Nov 27 2024 11 mins   1

It’s the holiday season, and we here at the Rules of the Game podcast would like to embrace the opportunity to give thanks to several amazing nonprofits, who thrived in the face of adversity, boosted civic engagement, successfully led the charge on critical advocacy initiatives, and supported their communities in times of need. From North Carolina, to Colorado, to Missouri, and beyond, nonprofit advocates boldly stood up to protect democracy, defend our rights, and secure justice for all. So, as we gather around the table with family and friends this week, we want to celebrate them and their incredible contributions to our communities this year.

Natalie Ossenfort: Thank you to all of the amazing advocates who worked so diligently on ballot measures across the country to guarantee access to abortion, expand workers’ rights, and ensure the freedom to marry in state constitutions. By creating robust coalitions of nonprofit organizations with shared policy goals, these advocates secured several major wins. From a successful constitutional amendment in Arizona spearheaded by a group of nonprofits organized as “Arizona for Abortion Access” to the “Freedom to Marry” coalition in Colorado, nonprofits across the country organized for success this year and for the protection of our rights. We thank you for your amazing contributions.

Monika Graham: Thank you to the Innocence Project, a member of the Alliance for Justice, for their groundbreaking work in the pursuit of justice and advocacy on behalf of the wrongfully convicted. Thank you, in particular, for your advocacy on the Marcellus Williams case. To Mr. Williams: our hearts are with you and your loved ones. To the Innocence Project: Thank you.

Tim Mooney: Thank you for the resiliency of the nonprofit community in western North Carolina in the wake of Hurricane Helene. The North Carolina Rescue Collective delivered water, food, and supplies to local residents. Brother Wolf Animal Rescue also stepped up to ensure their animals were safe before the storm, and they continue their important work today despite extensive damage to their facilities.

Brittany Hacker: Thank you to In Our Own Voice National Black Women’s Reproductive Justice Agenda. The organization educates the public and advocates for reproductive justice, while lifting up the voices of black women. They also actively engage in critical voter education and GOTV activities.

Sarah Efthymiou: Thank you to the private and public foundations who support nonprofit advocacy efforts. In particular, the Gill Foundation funds charities that engage in LGBTQ+ advocacy to pave the way for a more inclusive future. In doing so, it empowers foundation grantees to tackle difficult policy challenges.

Susan Finkle-Sourlis: Thank you to the nonprofits that worked so hard this election to educate voters and get out the vote. Shout out to the Interfaith Alliance for their “The Vote is Sacred Bus Tour,” a nonpartisan effort to boost civic engagement across the country.

Victor Rivera: Thank you to the Health Forward Foundation, which endorsed Missouri's “Yes on 3” campaign to end Missouri’s abortion ban and the Missourians for Healthy Families and Fair Wages campaign. Their advocacy led to the protection of abortion access in the state, raised the state’s minimum wage, and secured paid sick leave guarantees.

Melissa Marichal Zayas: Thank you to the Organization of Exonerees for your commitment to the fight for justice, your care for the recently freed, and for standing in solidarity with others who are still waiting for their voices to be heard.