Jun 18 2024 61 mins
Fertility Foundations: My fertility journey - What I knew then and what I'd do differently now with Samantha Ferguson
Welcome to the latest series of Fertility Foundations, where we speak in depth with expert guests about how to prepare the foundations for healthy pregnancy. This week Sandra Greenbank is talking to Samantha Ferguson about her personal experience and challenges.
Throughout the episode Sandra and Samantha discuss their personal experiences and professional insights on addressing reproductive challenges through a holistic approach. They emphasise the importance of seeking professional help, supporting each other, and finding alternative approaches to fertility treatment. They also discuss the connection between nutrition and fertility, the importance of prioritising one's own health and eating well to support a loved one's recovery, as well as the need for self-care and conscious choices about diet and lifestyle to prevent long-term health problems.
Find Samantha Ferguson on Instagram here: www.instagram.com/
whatseatingher And find Sam's website here: www.sam-ferguson.co.uk
This podcast is sponsored by Invivo Healthcare, a human microbiome company. They specialise in accurate testing of different microbes such as the gut, vagina, oral and urinary, as well as a range of specially curated supplements focused on the microbiomes. They support healthcare providers and their clients navigate the complex world of the human microbiome and it’s one of the most used labs and supplements by our own fertility specialists at the Fertility Nutrition Centre. Visit the Invivo website for more information at www.invivohealthcare.com.