Sep 08 2024 36 mins 12
Today on the Sauna Talk podcast, i’m pleased to present Earric Lee, who is a leading researcher surrounding the health benefits of sauna.
As you listen along, you’ll hear the background noise of the busy-ness and hustle and bustle of London streets. As, instead of on the sauna bench, we capture this episode outside a London hotel.
Earric and I converged for the recent British Sauna Society Sauna Summit. And it was here, in London, where I was able to capture Earric. And share with you his exhaustive yet budding effort to help bring sauna research to the forefront.
Earric Lee is a fellow board member of the Sauna Research Institute. He has a clear focus on helping de-silo sauna researchers globally. He is also committed to helping advance studies towards what you and I know to be true. Sauna is good for us.
So, let’s welcome ..