Aug 08 2022 38 mins
Valuable insights into the health and wellbeing of those working in the Australian construction industry and what legal practitioners can do to improve the status quo. Dr. Natalie Galea presents the keynote for our 2022 national conference “ Getting Risk Right”, held in Hobart, Tasmania in May 2022.
Fully titled “I would like to see my son more than I see my site manager: tackling human rights risks in the Australian construction sector”. Dr. Galea outlines her industry research project into employment and workplace cultures within the construction industry. Highlighting dramatic statistics about the current shortfall in recruitment for major infrastructure projects, she presents findings from her own industry study on the positives effects of changes to entrenched working practices.
Dr Natalie Galea on LinkedIn:
Natalie Galea’s research focuses on gender equality and human rights in the Australian construction sector, and human rights and athlete abuse in elite sport. She developed Cultivate Sponsorship, a one of a kind sponsorship program to fix male dominated sectors. If you would like more information about Cultivate, sponsorship and it's effectiveness, contact me or check out Before she studied the construction sector, she worked in it. Natalie spent 15 years delivering building, civil, defence and mining projects in Australia and the Middle East and North Africa.
This podcast is for reference purposes only. It does not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. You should always obtain legal advice about your specific circumstances. The views expressed in these podcasts are the speakers' own. They should not be taken as recommendations of the Society of Construction Law Australia.