Jan 27 2025 70 mins
On the Secret Witch Show today our guest is Sri Namaste Moore. Sri Namaste and her husband Baba Richard are co-owners of InfiniteCouple Enterprises rooted in transforming lives and legacies. As an Oracle, Mystic, Master Metaphysician, and Wonder Worker, Sri Namaste’s passion is to realign men and women to their innate harmony, honoring their distinctions while celebrating their synergy. She seamlessly integrates metaphysics, mysticism, and elegant philosophical truths, delivering laser-sharp clarity with practical applications. Her work is a testament to leadership, wisdom, and the boundless potential of those who dare to live their genius and leave an indelible legacy.
In this episode we explore Namaste’s profound, radical worldview of what it means to embody the ‘True Feminine’ (and how the Feminine can be both ‘yin’ and ‘yang’, and we don’t have an ‘inner Masculine’’). We dived into the distinction between ‘feminist’ and ‘feminine’, and the cultural conditioning, societal fear and trauma we innocently hold around the Masculine, which often has us ‘competing’ with men for ‘power’, rather than embracing our polarity and that we *both* have different, unique gifts. We reflected on the different gifts - and explore how the witch’s gift is really to heal through love, doing the inner work and embracing the receptive Feminine to work her mysterious magic, rather than rebel against the patriarchy. Namaste also shared a practical womb invitation for beginning to connect with our Feminine ‘essence’ (and shared why that’s different to our Feminine ‘energy’).
What You’ll Learn from this Episode:
There’s a difference between being a ‘Feminist’ and being ‘Feminine’ - and the witch can (innocently) lean towards being ‘feminist’; competing with, and trying to be, men, rather than embodying the qualities of being feminine that can help us to feel true joy, harmony and synergy - and to be who we came here to be
This is a cultural wounding around the Feminine, which Namaste believes is often misunderstood as having an ‘inner masculine’. She believes we don’t host ‘inner masculine’; instead, women have Feminine yin *and* yang - Goddess Kali being a great example of Feminine yang, and it still being distinctly feminine essence
There’s a distinction Namaste makes around Feminine ‘energy’ versus ‘essence’, and that our True Feminine is found in our essence, and can be viscerally connected to via our bodies. Embracing our essences, rather than focusing on energy is helpful to reclaim the True Feminine
The Masculine and Feminine have different gifts that help us create harmony and synergy - they are both unique and yet complementary to each other. For example, men’s power is about impact, which is more direct, hard and external, whereas women’s power is about influence, relating and subtle heart-based change
There is much understandable trauma around this topic - and fear of the ‘patriarchy’ (especially for the witch) - and so we are called to work through this trauma with love and patience (Namaste offers a womb practice for this). We can transform traumas by reclaiming the gifts and understanding they bring, turning our wounds into sources of power and insight.
What’s reflected in the outside world often holds a mirror to more collective patterns - and in the world at the moment there’s a lot of fear around powerful Masculine figures, which are calling us into healing and integration of our Feminine essence to create feminine expression and empowerment.
Resources and things that we spoke about:
Namaste’s Links:
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/iamnamastemoore/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/IAmNamasteMoore/
Website - https://www.infinitecouple.com/
Body of Work: Feminae - https://learn.infinitecouple.com/feminae
Alison Armstrong - The Queen’s Code - https://www.alisonarmstrong.com/products/queenscodebook.html
Alison Armstrong’s Secret Witch Show episode - https://www.nicolebarton.co.uk/secret-witch-podcast/episode-24
Nicole’s Links:
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/iamnicolebarton
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/iamnicolebarton/
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/archetypalapothecary/
You Tube - https://www.youtube.com/@secretwitchsociety
Check our our Secret Witch Membership: www.nicolebarton.co.uk/membership
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Website: www.nicolebarton.co.uk
YouTube episode: https://youtu.be/A4zegV7KUWg
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Thank you,
Nicole and Team Secret Witch xox