Dec 16 2024 81 mins 1
On this unique, celebratory 100th episode of the Secret Witch Show today Jamie Wozny takes the hostess role for a special interview with Creatrix of the show, Nicole Barton. Nicole is a witch on a mission to help Secret Witches - aka secretly magical women who hide their power - to live their true destiny by expressing their unapologetic magic. She does this by helping women to heal themselves, discover their gifts and heal the fear of expressing their authentic selves. Through her Top 10% Secret Witch Show podcast and her Archetypal Apothecary™ healing modality - which have helped multiple TENS of thousands of listeners - Nicole guides women to understand their soul’s unique plan and harness it to become the magical healer witches their souls were destined to be.
In this episode we dived into how and why Nicole created the Secret Witch show, how she healed herself through the show by embodying her Feminine power and expressing her magical voice - and how she risked being burned at the stake for her true expression - celebrating all the magic and joy that has been created along the way! We explored that the show has become an ‘apothecary’, serving archetypal medicine in each episode, and explored the themes of voice liberation, vulnerability and the healing journey with the witch as an archetypal remedy in her own right.
Nicole wants to offer a special thanks to Jamie Wozny for being an incredible hostess for this episode - I love you, woman.
What You’ll Learn from this Episode:
The Secret Witch is a sensitive woman who is secretly powerful and magical and longs to live her destiny but who feels burdened and burned out by her mundane life of busyness where she runs around people-pleasing and feels exhausted. By working with the ‘witch’ as a mirror for aspects of ourselves we have shamed, we can open to our inner apothecary for self-healing, discover our healing gifts and learn to express them in the world
The Witch as an archetypal remedy - aka a lens for self-discovery - represents healing, creation and feminine power and true soul expression - and that’s what she helps us reclaim - if we can have a courageous, vulnerable, open heart to our possibility
There can be a lot of fear that arises in the journey of self-healing and becoming a healer. That’s normal - our fear is often a confirmation of the path we are being called to. *And* embracing and sharing our vulnerability, fears and authentic selves is crucial in reclaiming our voice and power - even (and especially when people think we are ‘weird’).
Reclaiming our gifts and voice is an embodied journey of ‘living into’ our medicine. We each have our own unique archetypal remedy to share - and we have to reclaim our gifts through an embodied experience, rather than learning intellectually - and working with archetypal remedies is a great way to do this. The podcast is a great example of how Nicole lived into her medicine as she listened to the intuitive nudges, and healed and expanded herself, leaning into her true soul expression.
Healing is an ongoing process; it will never be ‘complete’ - the real gift is learning the art and science of loving, compassionate self-healing so we can provide that for ourselves throughout our lives, learning to tenderly meet challenges and reclaim our gifts from our wounds - and celebrate our small victories, taking the next aligned-action as we go
Sharing our voice can be scary, because of the witch wound - and if we are fearing that, it’s just a sign there’s more healing to do of our inner witch (who has often experienced much trauma in her lifetime). This is something that Nicole has lived into - and is still living into - as she’s journeyed with creating the podcast - and here we are, with a treasure trove of 100 episodes later, with a Top 10% show that has helped thousands of women! It’s so worth the journey.
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Thank you for listening, we’d love to know what comes alive for you in this week’s episode, so please let us know.
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Thank you,
Nicole and Team Secret Witch xox