Feb 10 2025 64 mins
On the Secret Witch Show today, Nicole explores her radical approach to health which views ‘mysterious illness’ as a transformative initiation into self-healing and a sacred call to our witchy healing gifts. Nicole’s point of view is that illnesses that often go unexplained by mainstream medicine - such as chronic fatigue syndrome, ME, burn-out, auto-immune issues and menstrual disorders like endometriosis - are calls to embrace our own magical healing power and wisdom.
In this episode, whilst honouring the depths of darkness that mysterious dis-ease can take us to, Nicole shares the importance of seeing illness not as something ‘victimising’ (as our society is conditioned), but an opportunity for personal healing and deeper connection to our bodies, inspiring self-love and feminine empowerment that awakens our inner witch and connects us to our self-healing inner apothecary. She also shares some deeper self-enquiry prompts, and explores her way of mapping our health.
What You’ll Learn from this Episode:
Mysterious illnesses - including conditions like chronic fatigue, autoimmune issues, and feminine cycle symptoms - are a secret call to our ‘inner witch’ and her self-healing power and magic
Our illnesses are actually ‘initiations’ - doorways to parts of ourselves that we’ve not before seen, rather than conditions that are to be passively endured - though this challenges mainstream medical and societal norms around ‘health’ which often has us feel victim to health challenges
According to universal magical healing laws and principles, suppression is the true cause of dis-ease - anywhere we suppress, creates an energetic block and energy get stuck
The law of ‘like cures like’ means that what ‘causes’ something will also ‘cure’ it. Holding up a mirror to aspects within ourselves offers us self-reflection that stimulates ‘self-healing’
We can heal ourselves - by working with the elements of ‘self-illumination’ and ‘self-love’ (via harnessing ‘archetypal remedies’ as a ‘mirror’ to lost aspects of ourselves that we’ve shamed), which helps us un-suppress aspects of ourselves that have been hidden and have manifested illness
As we heal ourselves, our wounds become our gifts - and that helps us to live our destiny as the healer witches we came here to be
We can also map our healing in a Soul Map, which is also a tool we can harness to know our gifts.
Resources and things that we spoke about:
Register your interest in our Secret Witch’s Apothecary Membership: www.nicolebarton.co.uk/membership
Join our Secret Witch Facebook Sisterhood: www.facebook.com/groups/secretwitch
Like us on Social:
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/iamnicolebarton/
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/archetypalapothecary/
You Tube - https://www.youtube.com/@secretwitchsociety
Website: http://www.nicolebarton.co.uk
YouTube episode: https://youtu.be/a88SqDaxR5E
Thank you for listening, we’d love to know what comes alive for you in this week’s episode, so please let us know.
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Thank you,
Nicole and Team Secret Witch xox