On the Secret Witch Show today, Nicole explores one of the biggest challenges most Secret Witches face: how we can overcome the challenge of balancing our busy lives with our deeper calling to being a healer. She dived into the crucial topic of how to create space for our healer witch, offering a practical ‘workshopy’ episode and guided meditation for women who feel a deep spiritual calling to become healers, but struggle with self-doubt and burn-out - and don’t feel they have space to delve into the deep work.
In this episode, as part of her #HundredHealers vision, Nicole provided both practical steps for time-management, mental and physical space creation and advice on how to integrate magic into our daily life - and a healing journey with an Archetypal Remedy for activation of the part of you that knows how to manifest a magical life: your inner Creatrix, also exploring what resistance to that really means for our healing.
What You’ll Learn from this Episode:
The fear and doubt that arises as part of becoming a healer is normal - and not a sign you’re not cut out for it (it’s the ‘Secret Witch’ wound - and just means there’s healing to do of your wounded healer)
Feeling we are lacking time and space to do the deep work in our busy mundane lives is part of this wound - and wants some loving healing (the practical workshop and journey in this episode was potent for helping that)
Cultural views often label necessary healing work as ‘selfish,’ ‘self-indulgent’ or ‘non-essential’ - a perspective that gets internalised by many women, making it harder to prioritise our spiritual growth
Resistance is a healing invitation. It is showing us there's something butting up here against what we know - and we want to go into that with loving curiosity. Like: “why am I feeling resistance? What is my belief here?”
There are some very practical steps we can take to create space for our witch - and, if we have resistance to those, it’s a sign there’s more healing to do around choosing ourselves and claiming our purpose as a healer - we can do this by journeying with Archetypal Remedies (and particularly the Creatrix, who knows her manifesting power)
Resources and things that we spoke about:
Join our upcoming 5 week journey with Archetypal Luna: www.nicolebarton.co.uk/luna
Listen to the show on the “How, What and Why of Archetypal Remedies” : www.nicolebarton.co.uk/secret-witch-podcast/episode-68
Download our Starter Pack - www.nicolebarton.co.uk/sign-up
Tiktok - @archetypalapothecary
Instagram - @iamnicolebarton
Instagram - @archetypalapothecary
You Tube - https://www.youtube.com/@secretwitchsociety
Join our Secret Witch Society: www.facebook.com/groups/secretwitch
Website: www.nicolebarton.co.uk
Thank you for listening, we’d love to know what comes alive for you in this week’s episode, so please let us know.
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Thank you,
Nicole and Team Secret Witch xox