Apr 10 2024 40 mins
In today's episode of State of (Cyber)War, Hugo Tarrida and John Salomon talk about the background and current state of cyber conflict in the Middle East.
We give an overview of some of the major state actors involved, and zero in on the structures, groups, and motivations of the two main regional adversaries - Iran and Israel.
Notes and links:
Due to the volume of supporting links and text, we've listed them on the CyAN blog, available here: https://cybersecurityadvisors.network/2024/04/10/state-of-cyberwar-episode-5-notes/
Original video episode avaialable at https://youtu.be/X3wkTszRlck
Hugo Tarrida on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hugo-tarrida-32915a204/
John Salomon on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnsalomon/
Check out the rest of CyAN's media channels on https://cybersecurityadvisors.network/media - and visit us at https://cybersecurityadvisors.network
Intro music courtesy of AlexiAction via Pixabay: https://pixabay.com/users/alexiaction-26977400
Outro music courtesy of Studio Kolomna via Pixabay: https://pixabay.com/users/studiokolomna-2073170