Dec 21 2023 18 mins 1
Beloved Shiftshapers, this series of Shaping The Shift Podcast, Death & The Girl, will carry us into the winter season with plenty to chew on until Spring!
This series is a five episode exploration of Death, not dying, not grief, but Death itself. We will explore how to experience Death as more than a stand alone event, but as a chasm in space and time that exists as its own season in our lives, over and over again.
The episodes are led by original written work from host, Thea Monyee ́.For a more immersive podcast experience join the Patreon at to watch the powerful video recordings of each episode, and to join Thea for a Q&A where you can ask anything about the podcast! You will want to be in the room with Thea, experiencing what she channels as she explores these possibilities with you.
Remeber to share, engage, review, and rate! We cannot spread this podcast love without you!
For more about Shaping the Shift Podcast and Thea Monyeee´s work please visit