Apr 10 2023 84 mins
With pleasure, I bring you another Small Fires episode, highlighting a conversation with a cherished Thinking Collaborative leader, Carolyn McKanders.
Carolyn’s background includes 28 years of experience in Detroit Public Schools as a teacher, counsellor and staff development specialist. Currently she presents seminars internationally on developing Adaptive Schools and organizations, and Cognitive Coaching℠. She also provides polarity management training, which supports organizations in identifying and managing competing tensions inherent in social systems. Carolyn McKanders is the former Co-Director for Thinking Collaborative.
With intention, Carolyn shares with us how she sees her leadership identity and her mission with both kids and adults. She shares the empowering mindsets for teachers, from the new book she coauthored with Robert Garmston.
For further information about the book, “It’s Your Turn: Teachers as Facilitators - A Handbook,” please refer to these websites:
A truly powerful interview to inspire increased consciousness for school and system leadership.