Jan 31 2021 28 mins 1
Andrea McComb is the Principal of Learning Services for the Coquitlam School District here in British Columbia as well as an Adaptive Schools Agency Trainer with Thinking Collaborative. In this interview, Andrea shares what gives her joy in her life, what brought her to pursuing the Adaptive Schools work and what influences she is noticing in her leadership with others as she engages in the work.
In the introduction, Lucinda mentions the work of Lisa Kirk, an artist in the Comox Valley, who facilitates Pure Process Art sessions as a way to engage in the deeper meaning of our lives, through painting. Both Andrea and Lucinda have participated in these sessions and benefitted from them which is why Lisa's classes come up in this episode.
If you are interested in knowing more about Lisa Kirk's art sessions, please visit https://lisakirk.ca/page/pure_process_art_classes
Thank you for listening.