Apr 26 2023 27 mins 1
hello, sweet peas, we’re back with a special update episode! ash's latest book, sanctuary, is about to open up for pre-orders and we need your help to get it to print! you can support the indiegogo crowdfunding campaign (and pre-order your book) between may 1-31, 2023 at igg.me/at/sanctuary-book and find out more at ashalberg.com/sanctuary.
they've also recently giving the creative coven online design course a big refresh (complete with fully-captioned video classes), are spending more time over on youtube, and are scooting around the province with the manitoba arts council's artists in schools program right now.
take the fibre witch quiz at ashalberg.com/quiz. follow us on instagram @snortandcackle and be sure to subscribe via your favourite podcasting app so you don't miss a thing!
support future seasons of snort & cackle by joining the creative coven community.