Feb 02 2024 29 mins
"I'd say the biggest problem faced by the queer community in this country is homelessness..." -Joni Boyd
On 10th January 2024, Misty Farquhar from Rainbow Futures WA dropped an opinion piece in The West Australian about state Labor’s commitments to enact change for the local LGBTQIA+ community, which are yet to be fulfilled.
Misty Farquhar's article: Labor all talk, little action in protecting LGBTIQA+ community
In their article, Farquhar discusses the following issues that need amending. If you're a WA resident, please raise these points with your local Member of Parliament:
- Mental health support for the queer community needs sustainable funding
- Intersex babies are being forced to undergo surgeries that they can’t consent to
- Discrimination is being enabled by WA’s out-of-date Equal Opportunity Act
- Trans folks are facing barriers when getting their ID updated to reflect their gender identity
Follow on Instagram - Rainbow Futures WA @rainbowfutureswa, V @puppygirlfemboy, Joni Boyd @checkout_chick463
Contains explicit descriptions.
Mentions - Decrim WA and Indymedia
It's So Hard is produced by - Jenn and Tess Louise®
Instagram - @softermedia
Website - itssohard.info