Aug 02 2019 7 mins 4
Lily Katz takes us on a journey filled with exhaustion and endorphins to examine if music can really improve your workout. How can a simple song motivate you to go harder, faster, and stronger and push through the pain? Will this podcast help you become a better you? You’ll find out!
We have all that and a few more surprises along the way in this episode of the SoundGuys podcast!
Read the source article here:
SoundGuys is:
Chris Thomas - @CThomasTech
Lily Katz - @KatzGame
Adam Molina - @AdamLukas17
Produced by:
Adam Doud - @DeadTechnology
Make sure to subscribe to the SoundGuys Podcast on iTunes and visit and YouTube for reviews, news, and everything you ever wanted to know about sound and audio equipment.