Mar 08 2025 40 mins 1
This week Tim shares his highlights, lowlights and main story with us starting with;
- Green iron report by Deloitte & WWF.
- The Fifth Estate forum with Matt Kean and Martijn Wilder hosted at the Greenhouse.
- China's massive US$11bn 19GW (85% RE) Qaidam Golmud East Desert Base Power Project.
- Canadian Solar's reported CY2024 BESS shipments surged 505% yoy to 6.5GWh.
- Engie pulls out of a Texas gas project as the numbers no longer stack up.
- And EV highlights for BYD, not so much for Tesla
- Gas cartel stitch up. Story by Royce Kurmelovs via Drilled Media.
Main Story
- ENGIE of France reconfirming its NZE by 2045 commitments and aims to invest €21-24 billion in growth capex over the next 3 years
Coming up
- Climate Action Week Sydney - over 200 events in Sydeney and online. Link to Tickets.