Jun 19 2024 31 mins
Physicians have influence. People listen to physicians. If you’re wondering, "What can I do to have a bigger impact on the health of this planet?" then you’re in the right place.
Today’s guest, Myles Sergeant, MD, FCFP, likens the health of the planet to the health of a patient. He’s here to explore individual, clinical, and systems-level opportunities to help advance the planetary health agenda. He shares practical, low-hanging fruit strategies that align with patient care and promote sustainability.
Dr. Sergeant takes us on his journey (his calling) to make healthcare more sustainable, sharing personal stories and insights. He recognizes the intersection between health and the environment and discusses the environmental impacts of home care vs. hospitalization, hospital food, end-of-life care, polypharmacy, patient education, and more.
Sustainability in healthcare is a collaborative space. Whatever steps you take… whether at home or at your place of work… these steps make an important difference.
This is the last episode of this season. Thanks for tuning in!
· PEACH Health Ontario https://peach.healthsci.mcmaster.ca/
· Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment (CAPE) https://cape.ca/
· The Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care https://greenhealthcare.ca/
· Nix the Nitrous https://greenhealthcare.ca/nix-the-nitrous/
· The Lancet, Managing greenhouse gas emissions in the terminal year of life in an overwhelmed health system: a paradigm shift for people and our planet www.thelancet.com/pdfs/journals/lanplh/PIIS2542-5196(24)00048-2
· The Lancet, Planetary Health https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanplh/home
· Trees for Hamilton http://www.treesforhamilton.ca/