Jul 14 2022 73 mins
3 years ago I had a vision for a transformational event.
The outline came to me piece by piece and somehow every piece fit together perfectly like a puzzle.
In 3 weeks Sandra Grace and I and our support team will put together the 3rd RESONANCE event in less than a year. That year has been one of the most challenging in my life. Physical setbacks, business setbacks, my own mental and emotional barriers, the structures of my ego have been crumbling to make way for something bigger.
But no matter how I feel on a daily basis something happens to me at RESONANCE. All the fire, all the passion, all the certainty, all the presence I could ever imagine flows through me. And as I'm preparing for what’s to come I'm starting to feel it. My doubts, my fears, my hesitations subside as I am filled with that vision and purpose. I would love for you to experience what that feels like with us.
What would you do if you had a belly full of fire, you walked with impenetrable certainty, you loved with no conditions and your visions felt like they were already a reality to the depths of your subconscious mind?
I've had a lot of people reach out wanting more information about the event so we created a podcast episode explaining it, and in the episode I share a few of the scores of testimonials from attendees with a new lease on life.
This episode is filled with testimonial after testimonial of people taking new energy, new perceptions, new emotions, new neural connections, new subconscious patterns into their life to reach new levels of success and fulfillment.
These testimonials are literally the fuel for my fire, some bring me to tears, and I'm so grateful for those that have taken the leap of faith in us and invested their time and money to come to this magical experience.
Sign up for the event here: www.spohntrained.com/resonancehtl
Get on the waitlist for RESONANCE www.spohntrained.com/resonance