Square Roots - Episode 447
Level Up Starts at 01:44:15
Now that Sea of Stars is over we can promise one thing: no more Garl puns. Now we're on to Thief: The Dark Project by Looking Glass Studios. Enjoy the intense 90s cutscenes! Revell in the developers voicing many side characters! Quiet down your steps with moss arrows! Explode some zombies with holy water! We all approach this early first person sneaker in different ways, so play along and get stealin'!
- Feed! That! Algorithm!
- A Dictate Guy!
- Animal Crossing Means Not Okay!
- The Raddest Music You've Ever Heard!
- Googaws and Boobaws!
This Week: Finish the first three missions of Thief! Get it for cheap on GOG today!
Next Week: Finish missions four through seven!
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Thanks to Steven Morris for his awesome theme! You can find him at: https://bsky.app/profile/stevenmorrismusic.bsky.social and https://www.youtube.com/user/morrissteven
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