Feb 27 2025 51 mins 9
Harry Crane (@harrydcrane) explains how his model forecasted every state correctly in the 2024 U.S. presidential election.
0:00: Intro
1:37: Intro ends
3:38: Interview with Crane begins
3:39: When Crane began developing model
3:59: Crane's goals
4:43: Assumptions behind the model
5:12: Polls
6:35: Voter registration
6:56: Crane's Sept 1 forecast
9:21: Approval ratings
9:32: Right track/wrong track
10:58: Polling data
11:53: Crosstabs
13:31: Early voting
18:28: Prediction markets
30:17: Political bias
35:49: Focus groups
38:39: Responding to being wrong
39:06: Allan Lichtman
40:19: Nate Silver
40:51: Crane's model's vulnerabilities
42:59: Silver and Lichtman
49:44: Academic models
49:58: Assessing Crane's model
51:04: Follow Crane
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