Sep 30 2024 22 mins 27
In the 20th century, corporate powerhouses like Bell Labs and DuPont Central Research funded R&D from their balance sheets, creating a clear path for postdoctoral scientists to innovate beyond their university research. In 2024, with the decay of corporate laboratories, graduates are taking the commercial start-up route more and more. C&EN, business reporter Matt Blois discusses several such start-ups, exploring how the founders are making the transition from PhD to CEO and mapping the various routes they've taken to secure funding to continue their research.
C&EN Uncovered, a project from C&EN’s podcast, Stereo Chemistry, offers a deeper look at subjects from recent stories. Check out Matt’s story on how PhDs are learning to become CEOs at
Cover photo: Laura Stoy inside a laboratory at Rivalia Chemical
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A transcript of this episode is available at
Executive producer: David Anderson
C&EN Uncovered host: Craig Bettenhausen
Reporter: Matt Blois
Audio editor: Ted Woods
Copyeditor: Bran Vickers
Episode artwork: Jim Prisching
Music: “Hot Chocolate,” by Aves
Contact Stereo Chemistry: Contact us on social media at @cenmag or email [email protected].