Jul 24 2024 66 mins 18
In this episode, Eric Rhoads interviews Jill Carver, whose work "explores the dialogue between abstraction and realism."
Listen as they discuss:
- Figuring out a roadmap when it comes to painting
- How to manage when you have a short amount of time to capture the scene before you
- Why she paints on location and in the studio
- And much more
Bonus! Is it wiser to represent yourself or seek representation through galleries? How can you create a marketing strategy that aligns with your goals? Eric Rhoads answers in this episode of the Art Marketing Minute Podcast.
Related Links:
– Jill Carver online: https://jillcarver.com/
- Jill's art video workshops: https://painttube.tv/search?type=product&q=jill%20carver*
– Pastel Live: https://pastellive.com/
– PleinAir Magazine: https://pleinairmagazine.com/
– Plein Air Convention & Expo: https://pleinairconvention.com/
– Fall Color Week Publisher's Invitational: https://publishersinvitational.com/
– Submit Art Marketing Questions: artmarketing.com/questions