Jan 12 2025 44 mins 53
Last week, we gave beginners to the world of strength training our ten best insights and tips, to make the journey to success in the gym easier. Today, we answer some of the most common questions beginners have about starting to lift weights!
- 03:40 - Question 1: Protein is important. But how important are carbohydrates and carbs?
- 07:30 - Question 2: Do I really need to follow a program from day 1 as a beginner?
- 11:20 - Question 3: When can I count myself as strong?
- 15:00 - Question 4: Should I stretch before/after I lift?
- 19:10 - Question 5: Beginner programs often only have like three sets of five for a few exercises. Is that really enough?
- 22:30 - Question 6: I can’t progress. Week after week I can only manage to lift the same weights for the same reps. Why?
- 27:00 - Question 7: How do I warm-up before lifting weights?
- 32:20 - Question 8: Machines or free weights?
- 36:50 - Question 9: My 13-year-old nephew started strength training recently. What advice would you give him for long-term success?
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