Jan 14 2022 47 mins 4
This week on the Tactical Baby Gear® Podcast, Beav and Alex sit down for what feels like the first time in a year. Beav has some serious issues he needs to get off his chest. We're sure all parents can agree with what he has to say.
We learn more about Alex’s family history and it all starts to make sense if you know Alex. Being a super nerd is literally in his blood. It’s actually really interesting and we will get more info on this, especially since there is a new book that has been written about it.
Then the guys get into the all-so-popular topic of the Metaverse and NFTs and what that even means. But the real questions arise when they start to think about what this means for their kids, and what the future looks like for them in this soon-to-be digital world.
All of this and a ton more on this episode of the Tactical Baby Gear® Podcast.