Jan 15 2025 19 mins 8
After the first truce was called in Israel’s War of Independence, the United States and Britain, acting through the United Nations, wished to secure a lasting peace in the region. The United Nations mediator was Count Foke Bernadotte, who unabashedly viewed himself as a soon-to-be Nobel Prize laureate and assumed many liberties that succeeded in making himself extremely unpopular to both sides of the conflict.
Bernadotte’s scheme for achieving regional peace entailed amputating the Negev region from Israel and limiting Jewish immigration. With pressure mounting upon Israel to make concessions that it could not afford, the prudent option Ben Gurion concluded was to take the Negev by force. Young and brilliant commander Yigal Allon was responsible for this campaign and employed some innovative techniques that would become the hallmark of Israeli military strategy.
Audio Credits
Audiology 1948- Arab-Israeli War
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