Dec 23 2023 20 mins
New Study Uncovers the 16 Early Warnings Signs of Emotionally Abusive Partners
In this episode, I dive into brand new research that pinpoints behaviors you should look out for early on in a romantic relationship that could indicate your partner has the potential for emotional abuse, physical violence, and controlling tactics down the road.
The study comes from the University of Western Ontario in Canada, with the goal of uncovering what factors accurately predict if intimate partner violence is likely.
I share the 16 predictors the researchers identified - ranging from pressuring you into sex to creating uncomfortable public situations. A few stand out as being particularly concerning if they happen early in dating.
Some of the key signs to pay attention to:
- Your partner blames their ex for everything
- You feel you can't say no because your partner reacts negatively
- Your partner refuses to admit fault or take responsibility
- You have trouble focusing at work because your relationship consumes your thoughts
The more of these that you notice, the higher likelihood of future abuse in the relationship. While a few issues here and there can potentially be worked on, a pattern of multiple signs is a red flag.
I also discuss talking to your teenagers about healthy and unhealthy behaviors in both friendships and dating relationships. Getting this information early helps them identify poor treatment before it becomes normalized in their relationships.
- The National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or text LOVEIS to 1-866-331-9474
- The National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-HOPE (4673) or
- CNN article on the research:
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