Jul 10 2024 30 mins 16
Is there a "perfect diet?" I don't think so. One of the challenges many of us face on our health journey is wading through the conflicting and confusing messages about "eating healthy." It's hard to navigate and it's hard to know if what you're doing is supporting your goals or hindering them. I think different things work for different people at different times, and learning some basics about the nutrients and how our bodies work is a great place to start, so we can better understand why certain things work better for us than others.
In this episode, I’m exploring….
⭐️ Why your sister's diet might work better for you and not her, and vice versa
⭐️ Why your husband's diet might appear to work better for him than for you
⭐️ Why the diet you did 10 years ago might not work the same for you now
⭐️ How seeing the "team" at work inside our bodies can be helpful for shaping the choices we make about food
⭐️ Where "3 meal magic" can be helpful
⭐️ The way protein, carbohydrates and fat support your body
⭐️ Examples of eating around your workouts
Links featured in this episode and references:
- Hidden causes of weight gain (podcast with Dr. Jill Carnahan)
- How to heal emotional eating (podcast with Tricia Nelson)
- Protein 101
- How eating the right amount of protein affects a woman's body
- Carbs 101
- Gut Health and Estrogen Balance
- Healthy Fats 101
- Healthy Eating Shortcuts
- The Body Fuel System (6 week balanced eating and recipes plan)