Feb 06 2025 34 mins 13
Join me to learn about the best foods to eat in the menopause years (both perimenopause and postmenopause) so you can support your body from the inside out while your hormones are changing. These strategies will help you hold onto your valuable muscle tissue for better mobility, agility and strength over time. Plus, they’ll help you support a healthy gut and digestive system to ensure you’re absorbing key nutrients, vitamins and minerals - and maintaining an optimal environment for hormone processing.
Shownotes page (leave a comment, read the transcript, get more resources): https://thebettyrocker.com/top-nutrition-strategies-for-perimenopause-and-postmenopause/
Today I'm discussing….
⭐️ Exactly why protein is important, and how to make sure you're getting what you need
⭐️ The importance of the gut microbiome in our menopause years
⭐️ Why fiber is an important part of your daily intake now more than ever
⭐️ How nutrient absorption and nutrient density support better hormone balance
⭐️ Common gut issues and what can cause them
⭐️ Anti-inflammatory foods that support your system
⭐️ Calcium, Vitamin D and Omega's and how they fit in
⭐️ Foods to avoid or limit in our menopause years
Links to follow up from this episode:
The Best Perimenopause Training Tweaks for a Strong, Sculpted Body
PerimenoFit: strength training program and eating guide for women in perimenopause
Rock Your Life: new workout plans every month, community, accountability and coaching
Betty Rocker meal plans balanced and optimized for women in different life stages